Monday, September 30, 2019

Adolesence Psychology Essay

The most critical stage in a life of a person is in the period of adolesence.   It is a specifically turbulent as well as a dynamic period of any person’s life. It is also a period of â€Å"strorm and stress† characterized by moodiness, inner tormoil and rebellion.   This is a period of transision from childhood to adulthood.   This transition involves biological,   social, and psychological changes, though the biological ones are the easiest to measure objectively.†Adolescence† is a modern cultural and social phenomenon and therefore its endpoints are not easily tied to physical milestones . The time is identified with dramatic changes in the body, along with developments in a person’s psychology and academic career. In the onset of adolescence, children usually complete elementary school and enter secondary education, such as middle school or high school. During this period, the young develops to sexual maturity and establishes an identity as an individual.   Their   sense   of identity develops gradually out of the various identification of childhood. The adolescent is newly concerned with how they appear to others. Ego identity is the accrued confidence that the inner sameness and continuity prepared in the past are matched by the sameness and continuity of one’s meaning for others, as evidenced in the promise of a career. The inability to settle on a school or occupational identity is disturbing. A major task confronting the adolescent is to develop a sense of individual identity, to find answers to the questions â€Å"Who am I† and â€Å"where am I going† .   The process also involves feelings about self-worth and competence.   Although development   of sel-concept starts in early childhood and continues throughout the lifespan. Searching of the unique identity is one of the problems that adolesence often face.   Some, but not all, teenager often challenge the authority or the rules as a way to establish their individuality.   There is also a probability of drugs and alcohol use, or mental health disorder, eating disorders and depression. Historically this stage of development began much later, sometime between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, which allowed the child to mentally and emotionally mature more and brought them closer to the age of consent before reaching this physical and emotionally challenging Physical maturation resulting from puberty leads to an interest in sexual activities  Ã‚   sometimes leading to teenage pregnancy.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since teens may not be emotionally or mentally mature enough or financially able to support children, sexual activity among adolescents is problematic. Given the emotional immaturity of adolescents, many countries consider those under a certain age to be too young to engage in and other sexual activities, even if they are physiologically capable. Family conflict is more common during adolesence than during other period of development.   Puberty appears to play a central role in initiating this conflict.   Adolesence of both sexes have significantly more conflicts with their mothers than with their fathers.   Probably because mothers are more involve in regulating the everyday details of family life.   Parents are often torn between the necessity of maintaining the family system and allowing their child increasing jurisdiction over his or her behavior.   Childhood even with intact families is never troubled free.   The fact that the most important emotionla structure in the childhood’s life is the parents’ marriage.   Ends in failure becomes forever embeded in that child’s history. It can not be denied that fathers are very important in the family.   Without a father there is no family.   The absence of the father maybe associated with some undesirable behavior of the children.   Among wihich are poor school performance,poor relationships with peer, problems with impulse control, rebellious and other adjustment difficulties. It is like the case of a 16 year old girl whose parents are divorce.   She displayed undesirable behavior like rebellious, trouble in school and she desires male attention.   Adolesence are in the process of affirming up their identity.   They need both parents   to affirm them in developing womanliness and how to relate to other people of the opposite sex. Childhood, even with intact families is never troubled-free.   The fact that the most important emotional structure in the child’s life is the parents’ marriage – ends in failure becomes forever embeded in that child’s history.   Being a child of devorce,   there is a need of several therapy.   A joint therapy of parents is also needed to understand the need to work together for the children. In order to pass from childhood to adulthood the adolesence must solve a number of problems.   He must develop heterosexual interest, become free from home supervision, make new emotional and social adjustments to reality.   They should evolve a philosophy of life, achieve economic and intellectual independence and learn how to use their leisure time profitably.   If they fail of these any achievements, he fails to gain full maturity.   Because adolesence are caught between two worlds, one of the dependence, the other of the responsibility.   They would like the power to decide for themselves, but are not certain they want to increased responsibility that accompanies adulthood.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Inventory System: Executive Summary Essay

Abstract There is increase in popularity and use of the Internet for research purposes by schools and students. Popular among the web-based information resource is the Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia that uses wiki software for the creation and editing of contents on its site. The use of Wikipedia for research has increased over the years. It is the world’s acclaimed 6th most visited website (â€Å"Most Popular Websites on the Internet†, 2012) . This status is not without its own challenges. The main one being that of credibility. An online encyclopedia that allows anyone to edit its entries to some, limits its validity. This paper attempts to look at some of the reasons its credibility is in question. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia. It uses a collaborative software known as wiki to facilitate the creation, development, and editing of entries by contributors who do so without pay. It is available in 285 languages with about 100,000 regularly active contributors. Once connected to the web users can write and edit articles on the site. Wikipedia has gained much popularity particularly because of its rich information and full accessibility of data. However, owing to its open-source management style that allows anybody to change contents, there has been a growing concern about Wikipedia’s credibility as a source of information for academic work. Wikipedia was founded as an offshoot of Nupedia, a now-abandoned project to produce a free encyclopedia. Nupedia had an elaborate system of peer review and required highly qualified contributors but the writing of articles was slow. During 2000, Jimmy Wales, founder of Nupedia, and Larry Sanger whom Wales had employed to work on the project, discussed ways of supplementing Nupedia with a more open, complementary project. Multiple sources suggested that a wiki might allow members of the public to contribute material, and Nupedia’s first wiki went online on January 10, 2001. There was considerable resistance by Nupedia’s editors and reviewers to the idea of associating Nupedia with a website in the wiki format, so Sanger coined the name Wikipedia, which is a portmanteau of wiki (a type of collaborative website, from the Hawaiian word wiki, meaning â€Å"quick†) and encyclopedia. Wikipedia was launched on its own domain,, on January 15. In May 2001, a wave of non-English Wikipedia was launched. (Wikipedia, 2012). Supporters of Wikipedia believe contents are verified for accuracy, and monitored for consistency and currency. Nevertheless, at the rate contents are created and edited – about three million in 2008 and presently 21 million – accuracy cannot match the speed! Voss (2011) stated â€Å"Edit history and user contributions are auxiliary clues (to the quality of the site) but very time-consuming to review† (p.10). Even the founder of Wikipedia have expressed concern over the existence of such inconsistency and inaccuracy of contents. † Various experts (including founder Jimmy Wales and Jonathan Zittrain, Oxford University) have expressed concern over possible (intentional or unintentional) bias† (â€Å"Wikipedia†, 2012). Others contend that because Wikipedia is a huge information resource, which allows open inspection and arguments in which changes are debated, it is a useful source for scholastic work (Smooth & Crovitz, 2011). Many others argue that the errors found on Wikipedia are not uncommon to errors found in other encyclopedias. For example, In December 2005, the scientific journal Nature published the results of a study comparing the accuracy of Wikipedia and the printed Encyclopedia Britannica. The researchers found that the number of â€Å"factual errors, omissions or misleading statements† in each references work was not so different – Wikipedia contained 162, and Britannica had 123. This was not generally accepted as the makers of Britannica have since called on Nature to retract the study, which it claims is completely without merit† (Woods & Thoeny, 2007, pp. 90-92). A major issue with Wikipedia is that of source authenticity. Since people are free to create contents from sources at their disposal, some articles may contain unverified and inconsistent information. Sources are not properly cited. Most materials do not meet the criteria of a good source among which are currency of information, impartiality, and evaluating credentials of authors.. This explains why contents are continually edited. Ray and Graeff (2008), historical scholarship is also characterized by possessive individualism. Good professional practice requires that ideas and words are attributed to specific historians. A historic work without owners and with multiple authors like Wikipedia, is thus almost unimaginable in our professional culture. Using Wikipedia saves time owing to its versatility and large information base, some have argued. This is because contributors are more interested in flooding the site with information than painstakingly digging deep to ensure quality of contents. Topics in Wikipedia are sometimes treated superficially with the aim of transferring a general and simple understanding across to users. When such an article is cited in a professional research work, it automatically renders the work incomplete, inaccurate, and misleading. Readers do not need to be scholars to read between the lines on Wikipedia. Content is not exactly expert knowledge, it is common knowledge. For example, an article on nuclear reactor will not be anything different from what most people know about nuclear reactors and what the authors think common people can understand (Keen, 2008). One of the five pillars, which guide Wikipedia’s operations is that Wikipedia is free content that anyone can edit, use, modify or distribute. The idea of inviting readers to serve as authors or editors poses a problem. Not all users are thorough in providing accurate information, and they are others who deliberately mutilate particular articles or post misleading statements. Sometimes, information is posted or edited by people who have little or inadequate knowledge of the subject, and as the adage goes, little knowledge is dangerous. Wikipedia has no way in evaluating the credentials of content authors as it is free for all. Even though these content are edited, one can never be sure how many errors have been corrected. According to Voss (2004), as more people read about an article, the more errors are emended some might say. However, one can hardly be sure how many qualified people have read an article and how many errors remain. Edit wars sometimes occur in Wikipedia. Edit wars occur when two contributors (or group of contributors) repeatedly edit each other’s work based on a particular bias. Using such a content makes the research work the ‘casualty’ of such ‘wars’. In early 2004, Wikipedia set up an Arbitration Committee to settle such disputes (Woods & Thoeny, 2007). Conclusion Wikipedia describes itself as, â€Å"the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.† As discussed earlier, the site runs on â€Å"democratic† principles allowing anyone to contribute, create, edit, and distribute contents freely. Free and open access has outlined above, have serious consequences as it exposes texts to vandalism and inconsistency. Wikipedia’s contents are edited based on individuals perceived opinion or knowledge, unlike other online resources like the Oxford English Dictionary for example, which was developed by a carefully selected team of experienced professionals. By compromising traditional concept of authorship, Wikipedia affects associated issues of authority, originality, and value. When a source’s authority and accuracy is in question then the credibility is not guaranteed. Frankly, a site like Wikipedia that allows anyone to add, change, or remove information cannot be credible. References Spatt, B. (2011). Writing from sources (8th ed.). Bedford St. Martin Publishing. Ray, A. and Graeff, E. (2008). Reviewing the Author-Function in the Age of Wikipedia Woods, D. and Thoeny, P. (2007). Wikis for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ, Wiley Publishing, Inc. Smoot W.S. and Crovitz D. (2009). Wikipedia: Friend, Not Foe,† in English Journal 98.3 Keen, A. (2008). The Cult of the Amateur: How Today’s Internet is Killing Our Culture. Bantam Dell Publishing Group Voss J. (2004). Measuring Wikipedia http:/ http:/

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Comperative Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Comperative Analysis - Essay Example These 6 poems (Heritage, Night in the Coal Camps, and White Highways of James Still; Johannesburg Mines and The Negro Speaks of Rivers of Langston Hughes; and A Poem for Myself by Etheridge Knight) coming from different poets reflect the similar opinion and perception of its residents. One of the central themes that these poets raised is the state of natural environment of the Central Appalachian. Whether it was James Still’s vivid description of the natural environment he is in or Langston Hughes’ reflective elaboration of his environment, most Appalachian poets, as represented by these two writers, reflects the influence of the environment to the thinking of the poets. However, unlike romantic writers that adulate the beauty of the place where he lives in, these poets convey the dire and dreary condition of the place. With these physical setting, various poets from these area were able to describe the effects that such environment gives them: a place of dismay and pessimism. Still’s poem, â€Å"Heritage,† for example tells us the â€Å"prisoning hills† wherein the poet lived despite the gradual degradation of the forest as described by the following lines: â€Å"And one with death rising to bloom again, I cannot go/ Being of these hills I cannot pass beyond.† In â€Å"Night in the Coal Camps,† Still further emphasized the not only the condition of the Central Appalachian terrain but also the status of the laborers in the area. In two verses, the poet illustrated the somber mood and tone of the Central Appalachians. In masterfully written words, Still was able to establish a parallelism between the â€Å"cold, frozen, unquiet† landscape of the area and the â€Å"sleepless† laborers with â€Å"mouths hollowed in breathing.† The inclement working condition worsens the strict slavery that is found herein. The inhumane condition of workers in the region was also the theme of Hughes’ short poem Johannesburg Mines, The Black American poet

Friday, September 27, 2019

Integrated Technology Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Integrated Technology Systems - Essay Example However, humanity is developing ever since the first dawn of jungle life when humans were living in caves and eating raw flesh of animals and they used leaves to cover their bodies but one thing they had in common with modern man and it was the urge to develop and grow into better beings. This need helped them in the conquest of building agricultural societies which finally gave birth to industrialized cities and the most advanced form of civilization exists in the form of knowledge communities of the west and all advancement is being considered as the result of the need of humans to experience betterment (Peck, 2005). Wright brothers developed first working model of an aeroplane which was in fact based on the theoretical work of Leonardo Di Vinci and currently same principles are refined in order build planes like Boeing 777 that have a wing span of more than 200 feet. The development is the essence of human existence and therefore, evolution always remained a defining attribute of human race. The climatologists are always remained interested in gauging climate change, rain and wind speed. In early days of the field, raw footers were used in order to measure the level of rainfall and with the passage of time; humans developed more sophisticated means to do that. Again the process of evolution kicked in and scientists effectively developed new measures for gauging rainfall. However, the basic principles remained the same but techniques changed dramatically over the past few decades. Even in the modern age of the 21st century, weather experts are measuring rainfall in millimetres and centimetres. The main idea of scientific development is to minimize the level of human effort needed to get the job done. The concepts remain the same and means of applying them change as world clock moves forwards (Kemp, 1994). The conventional methods of measuring rainfall were crude and these were more

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Week 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Week 3 - Essay Example e employees who belongs to different backgrounds like nursing, biomedical science, epidemiology, medicine, physics, social science, healthcare management, information technology, patient risk and safety management, medical informatics, and other areas. Their mission is to help the patient treat them by providing highest standards of cost-effectiveness, quality and safety. To attain this they do research, provide education and engage in consultancy. It has been given a federal patient safety organization by department of Health and Human Services of U.S (Kongstvedt, 2012). In today’s world the quality improvement and risk management efforts in a healthcare organization are now falling behind patient safety and ways to deliver medical care more effectively and efficiently so as to ensure that the healthcare organization can deliver high quality and safe care of the patients. The American Society for Healthcare Risk Management have described that there is great importance in the evolution of quality improvement and risk management. They pointed out that information between the quality managers and risk managers are too rarely exchanged between them. Hence the collaboration between them is nonexistent and very minimal. In Past times, organization had legal department and chief operating officer handling the risk management. Chief medical director is concerned with looking after the patient safety issues. Because of organizational hierarchy overlap of quality functions and risk management is not possible between them and it does not allow any shari ng of data to occur between them. Risk management deals with examining a particular issue like increase in the number of emergency department claims. After analyzing a number of Emergency department claims, it might be seen that the cause of increase in claims is due to inadequate communication of instructions given to the patient at the time of discharge (Wolper, 2010). Again after evaluation of quality improvement it

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Information management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Information management - Essay Example Its primary focus in the past years has been becoming a wellness, health and a nutrition company through the new acquisitions and existing brands (Dickersbach et al. 2009, p181). The brand portfolio of Nestle covers almost all the beverage and food categories. These categories include nutrition (healthcare, infant, weight and performance management), dairy and milk products, breakfast cereals, ice cream, beverages, coffee, chocolate, culinary products (cooking aids, prepared dishes, sauces), pet care, bottled water, and confectionery. Many of these brands have category leadership in the local and global market. Among the international best-known brands include Nestea, Purina, Nescafe, Maggi, Nestle and Buitoni. Revenues for Nestle exceeded 100 billion United States dollars for the year 2007 (Dickersbach et al. 2009, p181). The company is run through a decentralized group of companies that promote and rely on the organizational learning of the Group. The headquarter offers guidance, consultancy, and leadership to the local and regional organizations. Identification of the opportunities within the Businesses and Markets are done by the central competence units and they help the local management in the improvement of business performance (Dickersbach et al. 2009, p181). The company has numerous supply chains, a number of methods for predicting demand and infinite variety of ways of collecting payments and invoicing customers. The complexity of these processes has become very difficult to manage and they have been a bottleneck for the company. The Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Chief Executive, Peter Brabeck standardized the operations around the world in 2003 in order to overcome some of the difficulties faced by the company. GLOBE (Global Business Excellence programme) was then initiated and its aim was to bring all the Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s operations to utilize a single computer system for all of its financial, manufacturing and sales operations (Barnes

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sustainability in BMW Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sustainability in BMW - Assignment Example The organization provided social programs which include road safety teaching, programs against the HIV/AIDS and youngster and children education. The social programs serve as a marketing strategy because the organization creates awareness of the products to the public. Creation of road safety teaching promotes the economy and increases sales volume hence huge profit. BMW provides services to the community as well as promoting a business. The sustainability plan for BMW handles environmental, social and economic interest of the company. In respect to the environment, the organization receives supplies from trusted dealers. Economically, BMW is fives the employee best working condition in order to be productive. BMW also takes part in the social program and ensure that the customer does not have social problems. BMW is doing the best to meet people’s triple bottom line component. The organization provides a good working environment for the employees in order for them to give the best results (Feuchtmayr, 2011). BMW for economic purposes it sells the product and provides salary for the employee after making a profit. In short, it creates employment opportunity and contributes to the economic growth. In respect to the environment, BMW provides traffic education in the UK for people to minimize traffic jam and air pollution. It produces vehicles which do not pollute sound and air hence saving the environment. In respect to social, BMW provides education of HIV/AIDs to members of the public (Feuchtmayr, 2011).

Monday, September 23, 2019

Does the SIP Clearly Identify the Areas of Weakness Reflected in Essay - 1

Does the SIP Clearly Identify the Areas of Weakness Reflected in District, State, or National Assessments or Other Data - Essay Example This essay discusses that SIP enabled the identification of various weaknesses among students in coping with their studies. Furthermore, it also enabled the identification of the varieties of difficulties that students experience during their learning program, as well as the fact that the proficiency level varies between African American students and Caucasian students. Sip enabled the identification of the variety of problems faced by the school, such as the status of struggling students as well as their difficulties in learning. as such, these students require appropriate support in order to improve their proficiency levels in all their subject areas., such as improve in Algebra proficiency scores from 32% to 40%, improve English proficiency score from 75% to 83%, and to improve the school attendance by both students and staff by 99%. The objectives of this SIP include focusing on individual students and helping them to improve their achievement. Teachers hold conversations with st udents regarding simple issues like why they have failed to understand specific problems of a course.   They regularly analyze data to understand whether students are maintaining state-level standards. As Schafer Elem School develops its improvement plan for the year, the school comes from a backdrop of poor performance as the students perform poorly in various subjects thereby resulting in consistent poor results save for mathematics.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Corporate Strategy and Strategic Directions of Nestle Assignment

Corporate Strategy and Strategic Directions of Nestle - Assignment Example New business policies are created by the form’s managers to help the corporation venture into newer segments like nutrition and wellness through the combined actions of research and development and incorporation of new technology and business principle. Moreover the company further works in enhancing the level of communication with the effective consumer base spread along various regions and thereby to modify its production and business policies. Development or modification in the production lines together working on business policies aimed at creation of local supplier networks helps the company in gaining the due potential of positioning its brand on a higher scale (Schmid, Slabeva and Tschammer, 2001, p.278-279; Bell and Shelman, n.d., p.775). Porter’s Five Forces Model The strategic framework of Nestle can also be analysed based on Porter’s Five Forces Model that would help analyse the industrial environment of the firm. Firstly in regards to the power of buyers, the company works in changing its production and business paradigm to rightly adapt to the changing needs of the consumer sphere. The management body of the company renders special focus on enhancing the level of communication with consumers in the targeted market thereby identifying their needs and changing production patterns accordingly. Secondly the company takes effective control of the supply chain activities by setting of local and regional supply chain and distribution networks. The company acting on the information technology paradigm effectively communicates with the supply chain networks spread along geographical territories to govern their actions pertaining to supply of healthy and fresh produces. Thirdly the company reduces the threat rising from the growth of substitu te products through the gaining of patents and trademarks pertaining to the different innovative activities. Further the company also enhances the assortment of its production base to help develop a huge array of products pertaining to different product and consumption categories like nutrition, pet and baby products, pharmaceutical products and the like. Working on such huge array of products limits the chances of being imitated by local and regional producers. Nestle working on a highly integrated supply chain structure focused on regional and local areas helps in gaining on economies of scale thereby producing products at low costs. Moreover its enhanced communication base with targeted consumers pertaining to regional economies also restricts the consumers to shifting over to other local brands. Its acquisition strategies also help in gaining over the control of regional and local players thereby creating further entry barriers. The company also works based on an umbrella brandi ng strategy that helps the consumers

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Doctorate degree Essay Example for Free

Doctorate degree Essay Completing a doctorate degree in any college or university always presents many challenges and difficulties for every student. Statistics from studies have shown that roughly half of all incoming doctoral students will drop out, two-thirds of whom will do so during their second and third years (Smallwood, 2004). Graduate school demands a lot of focus and determination because it is a focused occupation (Jerrard, 1998). Graduate Studies also require a lot of time and commitment. There are no scheduled breaks for graduate school unlike in undergraduate studies where there are winter, spring, summer, and fall breaks off. Pursuing graduate studies entails that a student must be able to keep up with the academic load that is required while at the same time be able to deal with the other demands off campus (Smallwood, 2004). That being said, it is time to examine the challenges that students face in graduate studies. There are numerous challenges for students who are pursuing graduate studies. One of the major challenges involves the transition from undergraduate school to graduate school and the academic mentality that is required. The academic mentality problem that most students and individuals who enter graduate studies without any real work experience have is that they fail to make the necessary transition from rote memorization in undergraduate education to creative research in doctoral training (Smallwood, 2004). Often times in graduate study, a student is required to provide not merely a recitation of the facts and details but an in-depth analysis of the issue and to provide solutions or strategies that can be employed in dealing with the scenario. This is what causes a lot of students to drop out because they are unable to adjust to the demands to graduate school. The main challenges therefore for any individual pursuing graduate studies are academic mentality or mind set, stress and financial burdens. These challenges however, as shown in this short discourse, do not necessarily have to act as a hindrance to completing a graduate study degree or program as there are certain strategies that can be employed to ensure one’s success. These strategies can be summed up into three key points; learning how to think, time management and saving for a rainy day. If these three strategies can be implemented properly, the success of an individual in Graduate Study is virtually secured.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Negative Effects of Social Media

Negative Effects of Social Media COMMUNITY OR ISOLATION? TOO MUCH SOCIALIZING ONLINE Abstract Internet facility nowadays has made social networking site is the most frequent visit either, indeed the use of the internet to socialize provides many benefits to the community. However, too much socializing online will lead to various cons, isolation that occurs will cause various disasters to users addicted to the use of the internet that is too long, various problems encountered will be faced by users when they are too much socializing online. Among these are, they will be lost interpersonal skill which it is something very important in the life of society. Mental illness will also be faced by users who employ the internet too much. It caused them to be spending too much time in front of the laptop or any gadgets. In addition, the technology also imposes social isolation. This is because the user will not be concerned with relationships in the real world. They will lose their manners, conversation or even manners mixing in the real world. Even so, there is too much socializing on line is also good, like trading online dah also use it toward education. All parties need to ensure that this can be eradicated because it will bring a lot of adverse effects than good. Introduction Nowadays, internet and computers are very important in life. Various methods are used to communicate with individuals. In the past, everyone connected with each other by simply sending a letter through the post. This process takes a long time to send a message to our friends. After the phone was introduced, many people use the phone to communicate with each other. With this, web developers about how to solve problems that occur if you want to connect with people who far away. Internet usage is diverse and among them is to search for information, adding knowledge, entertainment, and to chat. The use of increasingly sophisticated technologies to help people to get information at a rate so fast. John Naisbitt (1990), predicts one of ten human tendencies in the early twenty-first century is information. Approximately 60,000 students aged between 12 and 18 years in this country tracked spend at least four hours a day surfing the internet, especially social networking site Facebook (FB), Twitter, Instagram and many more. Addicted to the internet, especially FB is causing the students often cheat, steal, antisocial and turned into a bad temper if their wishes are not met. If the addictive social networking site is not addressed, it will cause various negative impacts include symptoms of truancy and crime and antisocial. Too much socializing online will lead to more negative than positive things. Other than disrupt the interaction among human beings, too much socializing online also leads to various diseases and also leads to social isolation imposes. Technology is destroying the Quality of Human Interaction Technology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science and pure science (, n.d). It cannot be denied that in this century, we live really depends on the technology like mobile, computers, medication machines, security and etc. The technology development also keep increasing day by day and it makes some people feeling eager to wait for the new technology such as a new gadget being released. Technology itself gives us many benefits and also came along with negative effects. Little by little Internet and mobile technology seems to be deftly destroying the meaningfulness of interactions among people, disconnecting us from the world around us and leading to an imminent sense of isolation in today`s society (Melissa, n.d). Today, instead of meeting friends face to face we rather call, text or instant message them. It may seem simpler but we ultimately end up seeing our friends a lot less society (Melissa, n.d). The technology, especially mobile technology nowadays really gives a big impact to our live. In Malaysia itself, all the citizens in this country have their own smartphone even the kids under twelve years old. Supposedly, the children at that age should spend more time with their parents and friends. We called this situation as a gadget haze where people really attached to their gadgets. If this situation keeps happening in our society, we should not be surprised if those children having problem with their social interactions with others. There is an article that talk about how the mobile technology kills the face to face interactions. The writer said he was at the University of Missouri-Columbia for a reunion and he noticed that just about every student had a cell phone out to read text messages or check voicemails as they walked around- whether they had friends nearby or not (Mark, 2007). That was what happened in 2007, and we can see that the gadget haze today become more serious when the people busy texting, Facebooking, twittering, and these make them ignore the people around them and at the same time it slowly destroying the quality of the human interaction. In 2010, there is another article talk about how the technology destroys the interpersonal communication. The writer questioned that people today rely on Facebook, Tumblr, Foursquare and etc., And most individuals are connected to the technology and the internet at all times one way another (Sean, 2010). Furthermore, there also has a page that listed 10 ways smartphones are destroying our lives and I really interested with one of the ways that is social interactions? Huh? What are they? It questioned us how often these days we meet groups of people having coffee with everyone`s faces buried in their phones, supposedly they had nothing to chat about or maybe we are slowly forgetting how to fill life`s awkward silences with polite conversation (, 2012). The development of the technology that speeding up nowadays really make us worried because of the behaviour of the people that really excited regarding it. Technology is good, but our people make it worse. This is because we do not know how to use it well. Forget all the gadgets or any technology we have when we are in a group of people, show some respect there and then we can balance the human interactions within people and technology. Technology will be precious when we not how to appreciate it. Children will faced mental illness, disease due to too many online socializing Apart from the lack of interpersonal communication skills, The children are the ones who are vulnerable to the problem of social ills. Mental illness will also be faced by a child who is too much of their time on social networking sites. This is due, they would rather receive something without examining the facts is whether it is correct or not. Critical thinking they would be reduced and they will struggle to make any decisions relating to the idea. They are no longer interested in analysing an accepted fact flatly through search engines. Consequently, they no longer teach the brain to think in depth which can affect brain function when the condition persists. If that were done from the early stages of teenage life, how it will be when they grow up. It not only affects their daily lives, but how they can be competent and competitive. What is more worrying is primarily to parents is their childs truancy willing simply to go to a cyber cafe in their home if there is no computer. If not enough pocket money, they are willing to steal, as long as it can visit cyber cafes. Personal computers, especially those with access to the internet, for example, is one of the tools for communication technology is often touted as very useful for a variety of purposes such as to receive, transmit and record the information. But in the meantime, we also feel uneasy because the media have also become a channel obscene material and also have been misused for the purposes immoral and gambling. Children who spend a lot of time glued to a computer risk of mental health problems such as loneliness, depression and anxiety(â€Å"The internet can be bad for children’s mental health Health News Health Families The Independent,† n.d.). Those who spend more than four hours a day to see the screen more vulnerable to mental illness. Results showed that more health risks of social networking sites and computer games such as companies like Facebook criticized for failing to have a system that is more effective age checks for new joiners. You must be 13 or older to join Facebook, but many children younger holding account. Children who spend more time on the computer, watching TV and playing video games, tend to experience higher levels of emotional stress, anxiety and depression. In mirror newspaper written on 16 may 2014 about â€Å"Spending too much time online causing mental illness in children government health advisers warn† said that loneliness, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and heightened aggression are some of the possible issues faced by children who may overuse the internet. A PHE report says improvements in childrens wellbeing over the past two decades had now been curtailed and may be in reverse. The report says the number of calls to Child Line about online bullying, suicidal thoughts and self-harm have soared in recent years. PHE suggested that parents should be particularly worried about their childs mental health if they spend more than four hours a day in front of a screen. Children who spend more time on computers, watching TV and playing video games tend to experience higher levels of emotional distress, anxiety and depression. This relationship is particularly negative among those who engage in high levels of screen use more than four hours a day. The evidence suggests a dose-response relationship, where each additional hour of viewing increases childrens likelihood of experiencing socio-economic problems, and the risk of lower self-esteem, the report said(â€Å"Spending too much time online ‘causing mental illness in children’ g overnment health advisers warn Mirror Online,† n.d.). Lack of healthy due to too much socializing online Pros when too much socializing online Although it leads to a lot of disadvantages. Too much air can also lead to community among these are Converse. Can contact old friends apart. Old friends reunite separated. We can look back school friends over a network with one another while relation can relive old story. Besides that, when too much online socializing, it can help promote something. Through social networking site, the latest entry can be announced to friends in the social networking site. . For example cooking tasty and cheap restaurants can be widely known. The best type of camera for the money can be discussed. It also easy to disseminate information. For example, the first time when you want to perform the ceremony wedding invitations need to find partners address each(â€Å"myMetro | Facebook kami,† n.d.). But now with the sophistication of the social networking site, wedding cards can be placed there and communicated to colleagues. Easy and fast. Request help anxious as blood donation certain jens to help terminally ill patients can also be disseminated. Cases of fraud and faces criminal disseminated in the fight against crime. Using a social network also, sharing of information or knowledge become easier. If we are wise to find a suitable friend, we will have the latest information quickly(â€Å"How Cell Phones Are Killing Face-to-Face Interactions | Mediashift | PBS,† n.d.). There are friends who are eager to share news and information to be shared. For example, the social networking site can replace the tv to know the latest news. Even with the trial court immediately known through twitter and certain websites. Current events can be known immediately. Science in medicine, technology and the like can also be disseminated. Social web sites like this can actually provide many benefits to adolescents if used correctly. But most do not take advantage of such facilities with the best that exists between those who abuse that sparked controversy as threats to particular individuals. Conclusion Malaysia as a country that is peaceful and prosperous society must be completed with the ethical standards of excellence for surfing the cyber world full of comfort. Islam as a religion of mercy should be the main reference in the formulation of ethical consumerism Internet standard, according to the characteristics of Islam itself that brings a complete change of angle whether social, economic, political, and so on. Islam requires all Muslims to respect each other, we maintain dignity and society around us. The issue of students exposed to pornographic material can be contained if religious values applied in the students. Certain parties have to take action to control closely so that students do not tend to social problems. No other element that can poison the integrity of the community that is spread through the internet to be accessed by all human beings. ICT influence the level of modernity and contemporary life is inevitable and has great influence in the lives of young people o r students in particular. It has become part of modern life now that will continue to improve the use and impact from time to time. The use and the influence in the lives of Malaysians now inseparable with ICT in many aspects of life. To avoid or reduce the negative effects and destroy the positive values of religion and culture of our society as well as highlighting the positive values of society, all parties and of various levels must strengthen the role of religious, moral and ethical values of our society, especially for the younger generation to avoid of the negative effects that will get worse. Completely eliminated the negative effects harder, but what might be done is to increase the positive effects and minimize negative effects. Government policies related to education and culture must also put the issue of abuse and the negative impact of the Internet as an important tool for the modernization and development of the nation state in Malaysia. In a nut shell, we can conclude here that too much socializing online will bring more negative symptoms than positive. All parties appropriate played crucial roles to eradicate the use of the internet for too long, because it will make a generation who will govern the country one day Reference How Cell Phones Are Killing Face-to-Face Interactions | Mediashift | PBS. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from Technology destroys interpersonal communication Collegiate Times : Columnists. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from Technology | Define Technology at (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from Too much time on web â€Å"gives children mental health problems.† (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2014, from How Cell Phones Are Killing Face-to-Face Interactions | Mediashift | PBS. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from Internet Addiction: A Bad Habit, Not An Illness. (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2014, from Internet increases risks of mental illness in children | Health Fitness | bmag. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from myMetro | Facebook kami. (n.d.). Retrieved from Spending too much time online â€Å"causing mental illness in children† government health advisers warn Mirror Online. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2014, from Technology is Destroying the Quality of Human Interaction | The Bottom Line (UCSB). (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from The internet can be bad for children’s mental health Health News Health Families The Independent. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from Too much time on web â€Å"gives children mental health problems.† (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2014, from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

George Orwells Symbolism and Derivation for Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984

George Orwell's Symbolism and Derivation for 1984 George Orwell's 1984 had a profound effect upon the way people thought during the mid 20th century. The book signified Orwell's most complex novel which told the story of Arthur Koestler and the countless others who suffered because of the totalitarian governments in Eastern Europe (Meyers 114). When 1984 was published in 1949, the Cold War had just begun. The novel's ending was pessimistic and thus seemed as an attack on communism. The novel was also considered to be the prophecy of what would happen to the West if the communist ideology spread. The idea for writing 1984 also came from an American economist named James Burnham. Burnham predicted that if Germany had won the war, the world would be divided into three areas (Meyers 125). This idea is used by Orwell because the society in 1984 is centered around 3 areas- Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. Koestler, a refugee from Fascist and Communist prisons, was the model for protagonist of 1984 - Winston Smith. Orwell chose this name because he felt that the reader could relate to Winston. By using the last name 'Smith' it conveys the universal appeal of everyman. The name Winston was chosen because Winston Churchill ruled England at the time and was seen as a hero. (Gardner 118) From this, Orwell puts forth the idea that anyone can do anything and rise to greatness. The physical setting of 1984 came from the actual way London looked during the war years. The Ministry of Truth, the place where Winston worked was derived British Broadcast Company (BBC) building. Inside the BBC, there was a restaurant that had a dish called 'Victory Pie'. And thus, Orwell used Victory as the word that proceed as all ... ...ements. So far from endeavoring to influence the future, he simply lies down and lets things happen to him." (Bookshelf 1994) In essence Orwell is trying to let people know that they should be aware about what is going on around them. You can't expect everything to fall in your lap, you have to go out and get it, or someday someone will get it for you- and it will be too late to change it. Human nature wants to be passive and have decisions made for them. through this venue, free will and choice is lost and a totalitarian government will prevail causing democracy to be forgotten. Works Cited Gardner, Averil. George Orwell. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1987. Meyers, Valerie. George Orwell. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991. "Orwell, George." Microsoft Bookshelf, 1994. Reilly, Patrick.George Orwell, The Age's Adversary. New York: St Martin's Press,1986.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Nelson Mandelas Long Walk To Freedom Essay -- Nelson Mandela Long Wal

Nelson Mandela in his book, Long Walk to Freedom argues through the first five parts that a black individual must deal, coop, and grow through a society that is hindering their lives' with apartheid and suppression of their rightful land. Rolihlanla Mphakanyiswa or clan name, Madiba was born on July 18, 1918 in a simple village of Mvezo, which was not accustomed to the happenings of South Africa as a whole. His father was an respected man who led a good life, but lost it because of a dispute with the magistrate. While, his mother was a hard-working woman full of daily choirs. His childhood was full of playing games with fellow children and having fun. In school, Mandela was given his English name of Nelson. After his father's death, he moved to love with a regent, who was a well-off individual and owed Nelson's father for a previous favor. The next several years were full of schooling for Nelson. These schools opened Nelson's eyes to many things, which we will discuss later. He and t he regent's son, Justice decided to travel to Johannesburg and see what work they could find. They left on their journey without the regent's permission, but eventually escaped his power and settled down in the town. In Johannesburg, Nelson settled down in a law firm as an assistant and went to University of South Africa and Witwatersrand University to further his law education. Witswatersrand University brought many new ideas to Nelson and awakened a spirit inside of him. The next several years, Nelson met many new political friends and began his involvement in the ANC. Also during this time, he met Evelyn and they became married. Gradually Nelson's political involvement grew and his family life declined. Nelson and his good friend, Oliver Tambo opened a law firm, which took up most of Nelson's time. Evelyn mothered two of Nelson's children, but the gradually grew apart. Now, Nelson was an influential political individual and bans and jailing began to follow him around. One day, a young woman came into his life by the name of Winnie and they got married. Winnie gave birth to two more of Nelson's children. As time passed, Nelson's spirit for freedom grew more and more each day. Though his life was full of bannings and jailings, he never gave up his fight, but he knew that the south African government was becoming agitated with him and the ANC. The South African government became ... ...eid of white supremacy in South Africa. Throughout the book, I have seen Nelson's open-mindedness. Nelson always listened to communist ideas and Indian goals, eventhough he did not agree with them. Nelson faced many hardships through his struggle and this had to cause some resentment against his oppressors. But if anyone would not be bias in his writing, I would say it would be Nelson Mandela. He has showed in his book that he is great individual and that he will not let his past feeling cloud his writing. You can see his feelings in his book and that is what makes it so good, but I believe he does not hide anything from us on both sides of the stories.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, Mandela's autobiography is a brilliant book written by an incredible individual. I wish I could of read the whole book for this essay, but that was not possible. It is hard to write an essay on the first 5 parts when I know some things that happened further in the book. I did not know if I should include that information in the essay, but I did not involve it. This book helped to show the other side of the story. We always hear the victor's story and in this class we got to hear the other side of the story.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

dynamics of founder effect :: essays papers

dynamics of founder effect Populations are divided by geographic boundaries, confining a specific region/group of people to share and distribute its genetic traits within themselves without outward influence. The size of these populations is dependant upon whether certain mountains, rivers, deserts, oceans, or other extreme geographical, cultural, or technological conditions determine the tendency for isolation or migration. Most modern populations were originally settled by a relatively small handful of people that for whatever reason migrated to a new uninhabited area, and then multiplied. The genetic code of those founding individuals largely determines the genetic code of future generations, making that area distinctive having it’s future generations genetic code modeled after the original founders. Analyzing the founders of populations requires written or physical evidence to identify any possible founder of a population. So to analyze modern founding fathers is relatively easier in comparison to older founding fathers because of a lack of physical evidence for older populations. For a recently founded population such as the French settlers that migrated to the Chicoutimi region of Quebec, Canada in the 1940’s there is a collection of written knowledge about it’s inhabitants over that time. That information can identify the specifics person/persons that might have founded that population. Other populations that we have a large collection of knowledge regarding its founders include white Australians, African-Americans, as well as certain Caribbean populations. In contrast, trying to determine the founding fathers whom settled North America from Asia about fifteen thousand years ago is much more difficult because there is so little recorded evidence and knowledge o f that time period. This makes it difficult to determine the founders of the large populations we know today. Equatorial Africa was occupied by mostly Bushmen and Pygmies until about two thousand years ago, when the Bantu speaking people of the Congo region developed agriculture, iron, and domesticated animals. Following those advances the small number of Bantu multiplied until they overran half the African continent, pushing the Pygmies and Bushmen into areas unsuitable for farmland. The Bantu peoples thereby founded the entire gene pool of subequatorial Africa anew a mere 2,000 years ago. Europe’s founding fathers came largely within two migrations: one being farmers form the Near East about eight thousand years ago settling largely along the Mediterranean; the second being from Southern Russia about six thousand years ago populating northern and western Europe. The genetic traits of the founders of a population can be positive, negative, or neutral.

Monday, September 16, 2019

A question of theft

Evidently, there is a problem in the management of shifts and the auditing of the money hence the front office manager named Chad refuses to take action of the situation. When conflict arose, the cash registrar’s earnings were found out to be short; Chad tried to look for the culprit. Critically analyzing the situation, how did Chad found out that there has been an amount missing?He was so certain of the amount missing despite of his non-presence in the area and also the lack of eagerness to monitor the finances. Internal Control is the process to achieve the objectives with effectiveness and efficiency, reliable financial statements and strict compliance to the law. In this case, Chad can be classified as an ineffective leader for efficient workers.His managerial skills would have taken care of the problem hence he neglected the idea because he was confident about his employees. Another problem is that there is no consistent financial report for every employee who dwells in t he counter. For example, for every end of a shift the money should be counted and audited so that there would no discrepancies for the next employee to work and also it would be much easier to determine if there is a shortage in the finances.For this instance, the manager must have the control over his employees and authoritatively impose the rules such that the employees would develop loyalty and honesty among the system.I think the managerial position must be filled by a person that is experienced and also has good interpersonal skills so that the firm would not suffer from these small lapses.Also I would like to point out that there should be a financial report on every change in shift so that the manager can monitor the movement of the money in the cash registrar. What is needed is the end amount after each shift. Lastly, the effectiveness and efficiency of a working group must come from both the leader and its subordinates, with this, there are limitless endeavors and opportuni ties for a good working system.ReferencesUniversity Business Practices (2007). Understanding Internal Control. [on-line] Retrieved from: on: March 5, 2008Comptroller’s Handbook (2001). Internal Control. [on-line] Retrieved from: on March 5, 2008

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Power of Cash Flows

The Power of Cash Flow Ratios EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CASH FLOW RATIOS ARE MORE RELIABLE indicators of liquidity than balance sheet or income statement ratios such as the quick ratio or the current ratio. LENDERS, RATING AGENCIES AND WALL STREET analysts have long used cash flow ratios to evaluate risk, but auditors have been slow to use them. SOME CASH FLOW RATIOS COMPARE THE RESOURCES A company can muster with its short-term commitments. OTHER CASH FLOW RATIOS MEASURE A COMPANYS ability to meet ongoing financial and operational commitments.THERE IS NO CONSENSUS ON THE DEFINITION OF NET free cash flow, although the authors suggest taking off-balance-sheet financing into account. AUDITORS CAN USE THE INSIGHTS uncovered by cash flow ratios to spotlight potential problem areas, thus helping them plan their audits more effectively. JOHN R. MILLS, CPA, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Accounting and CIS at the University of Nevada, Reno. His e-mail address is www. [email  protected] unr. edu1. Mills experience includes auditing and consulting in the gaming industry. JEANNE H.YAMAMURA, CPA, PhD, is an assistant professor in the accounting and CIS department at the university's Reno campus. Her e-mail address is www. [email  protected] edu2. Yamamura worked as an auditor overseas, including a stint in Papua, New Guinea. To fully understand a company's viability as an ongoing concern, an auditor would do well to calculate a few simple ratios from data on the clients cash flow statement (the statement of sources and uses of cash). Without that data, he or she could end up in the worst possible position for an auditor—having given a clean opinion on a client's financials just before it goes belly up.When it comes to liquidity analysis, cash flow information is more reliable than balance sheet or income statement information. Balance sheet data are static—measuring a single point in time—while the income statement contains many arbitrary noncas h allocations—for example, pension contributions and depreciation and amortization. In contrast, the cash flow statement records the changes in the other statements and nets out the bookkeeping artifice, focusing on what shareholders really care about: cash available for operations and investments.For years, credit analysts and Wall Street barracudas have been using ratios to mine cash flow statements for practical revelations. The major credit-rating agencies use cash flow ratios prominently in their rating decisions. Bondholders—especially junk bond investors—and leveraged buyout specialists use free cash flow ratios to clarify the risk associated with their investments. That's because, over time, free cash flow ratios help people gauge a company's ability to withstand cyclical downturns or price wars.Is a major capital expenditure feasible in a tough year? If the last time total cash got a hair below where it is now the company's capital structure had to be r evamped, the auditor should treat the deficient value like a loud buzzer. Many auditors and, to a lesser extent, corporate financial managers have been slow to learn how to use cash flow ratios. In our experience, auditors traditionally use either a balance sheet or a transaction cycles approach. Neither approach emphasizes cash or the statement of cash flows.While auditors do use the cash flow statement to verify balance sheet and income statement accounts and to trace common items to the cash flow statement, their use of ratios for cash-related analysis has been limited to the current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) or the quick ratio (current assets less inventory/current liabilities). According to an informal survey of Big 5 and other national accounting firms, even now their audit procedures have not changed in ways that take advantage of the information presented in the cash flow statement, even though that statement has been required for over a decade.The value of cash flow ratios was evident in the collapse of W. T. Grant. Traditional ratio analysis performed during the annual audit did not reveal the severe liquidity problems that resulted in a bankruptcy filing shortly thereafter. While W. T. Grant showed positive current ratios as well as positive earnings, in fact it had severely negative cash flows that rendered it unable to meet current debt and other commitments to creditors. Educators have not been emphasizing the cash flow statement either. Auditing textbooks commonly include only ratios based on the balance sheet and income statement with little or no discussion of cash ratios.The next generation of auditors needs to learn how to use cash flow ratios in audits because such measures are becoming increasingly important to the marketplace. Investors and others are relying on them. The cash flow ratios we find most useful fall into two general categories: ratios to test for solvency and liquidity and those that indicate the viability o f a company as a going concern. In the first, liquidity indicators, the most useful ratios are operating cash flow (OCF), funds flow coverage (FFC), cash interest coverage (CIC) and cash debt coverage (CDC).In the second category, ratios used to assess a company's strength on an ongoing basis, we like total free cash (TFC), cash flow adequacy (CFA), cash to capital expenditures and cash to total debt. Lenders, rating agencies and analysts use all of these. Auditors should know when and how to use them, too. The gaming industry expanded to 12 states from 2 between 1989 and 1995. During that time, many of the traditional casino corporations managed asset growth rates of 200% and more. Rapid expansion led to major problems, including bankruptcy, when revenues did not meet projections.As this examination of two gaming companies shows, cash flow analysis can help avoid business meltdowns, providing auditors and clients with an additional level of comfort in both planning the audit and ev aluating the strength of the going concern. Boomtown was a relatively young but successful Nevada company that went public in October 1992, with assets of $56 million. By 1995, its assets were up to $239 million, dropping to $206 million in 1996. Company operations grew from one casino in the local Nevada market to four properties in three states—Nevada, Louisiana and Mississippi.In the same period, Circus Circus was one of the largest and most profitable gaming corporations in the industry. Its properties, also all in Nevada at that time, included the Excalibur and the original Circus Circus in Las Vegas, the Colorado Bell and Edgewater in Laughlin and the Circus Circus in Reno. The company grew from total assets of $783 million in 1992 to over $2. 2 billion by 1996, including acquisitions. By the end of 1996, it had operations in three states—Nevada, Louisiana and Mississippi. Liquidity Assessment Exhibit 13, shows a variety of ratios calculated from the financial st atements of Boomtown and Circus Circus.The figures cover the period from 1992 to 1996, although Circus Circus was on a January 31 fiscal year while Boomtown used a fiscal year ending September 30. Look at the lines for the current ratio (current assets/ current liabilities) and the quick ratio (current assets less inventories/current liabilities) for each. Viewed through the lens of these traditional balance-sheet-based ratios, Boomtown appears to be stronger financially than Circus Circus. But this was not the case. Boomtown's current ratio was frequently well over 1. 00, even soaring to 4. 4 in 1993, while Circus Circus current ratio never strayed over 1. 32. Boomtown was able to maintain a higher quick ratio as well. Over the five years in question, Boomtown's current ratio showed fairly consistent improvement, a trend that would be reassuring to most auditors. Although the balance sheet ratios for both companies are fairly low, that is normal for the gaming industry. Casinos jus t don't carry much inventory—mostly perishable foods and the like. And gaming companies carry practically no receivables because gaming generally is a cash business.The traditional measures don't address operating cash flows or cash interest coverage directly, but auditors can use cash flow ratios to answer questions about their clients liquidity—Are these companies generating enough cash to cover their current liabilities? How many times does cash flow from operations cover interest expense? Running a Casino†¦ Image Boomtown's cash interest coverage was considerably weaker than that of Circus Circus, except in 1993, when Boomtown had no long-term debt. Circus Circus consistently maintained cash in excess of 5 times debt. Now look at the line for OCF.Over the interval shown, the Circus Circus OCF ratio slipped under 2. 00 only once, meaning that it generated enough cash to cover its current liabilities twice over—and even improved on that despite a rapid gr owth rate. The company's cash interest coverage ratio also was consistently high. Boomtown's cash flow ratios, however, might surprise an auditor relying solely on balance sheet ratios. Its OCF was consistently weaker than that of Circus Circus, even slipping into a negative position in 1994. Once Boomtown's OCF slipped below 1. 00, it was not generating enough cash to meet its current commitments.Accordingly, it had to find other sources for financing normal operations. An auditor relying solely on the quick and current ratios in this instance would have missed that important point. An auditor who bothered to calculate two other cash flow ratios—FFC and cash/current debt—would have gotten even more remarkable results. Because Circus Circus carried very little current debt, its cash covered current debt well over 175 times in every year, while Boomtown's cash didn't even cover current debt in 1994, and its cash/current debt coverage was in the single digits for three o f the other four years.More remarkably, Boomtown's FFC went negative in 1994 and again in 1996 and was consistently weaker than that of Circus Circus in every year. Accordingly, the conclusions an auditor might draw after looking at the cash flow ratios might differ sharply from his or her opinion based solely on balance sheet ratios. Going-Concern Analysis Traditionally, auditors have used the balance-sheet-based debt-to-equity ratio (total debt/total equity) and the times-interest-earned (EBIT/annual interest payments) ratio to examine a company's longer-term financial health (see exhibit 24).These measures do provide one perspective on the company's ability to carry its long-term debt obligations and its solvency. The traditional solvency ratios reveal big differences between Circus Circus and Boomtown. Although both companies expanded considerably in 1993 and 1994, the effects on each corporation's financial position were drastically different. Circus Circus showed a downward tr end in its traditional debt-to-equity ratio, an indicator of an increasingly strong balance sheet, while maintaining a fairly stable times-interest-earned ratio.After 1992, Boomtown's debt-to-equity ratio rose steadily, showing increasing reliance on outside borrowing. Its times-interest-earned ratio also weakened, even going negative twice. Cash flow ratios, however, provide an even clearer picture of each company's financial solvency. Consider the lines for TFC, two for each company—one based on actual capital expenditures and the other on estimated maintenance spending. Negative figures in 1993 reveal that Circus Circus needed to go outside to raise cash for capital expenditures in both 1993 and 1994.However, using a capital maintenance approach, figures consistently greater than 1. 0 show the company was clearly generating enough cash flow from operations to maintain its normal operations and to provide at least some funds for additional growth. But 1993 and 1994 were yea rs when total assets grew at 21% and 37%. Few companies could expand at this rate solely with internally generated funds from operations. Analysis of Boomtown's cash flow ratios unveils a very different kind of growth. Its TFC (maintenance) ratio slipped below 1. 0 for three years in a row.An auditor who notices that Boomtown wasn't able to fund normal operations from internal sources for three consecutive years has heard an alarm; however, the noise from the TFC (actual) ratio is even louder. Boomtown did not manage any of its growth from internally generated cash—it's TFC (actual) ratio never got above 1. 00! That can't go on forever. Now look at the total debt ratio line and the two cash flow adequacy (CFA) ratio lines for each company. The total debt ratio, to which credit-rating agencies and loan officers pay close attention, was quite stable for Circus Circus throughout.Boomtown's, which started out weaker, took one wild fluctuation way up and then collapsed. Looking at the CFA ratios, once again Circus Circus exhibits more than adequate funds for maintenance and sufficient internally generated cash for new capital investments in all but one year. The one exception was attributable to rapid growth. Boomtown's spectacularly negative ratios shout the company's need for substantial outside funding. Turning to the capital expenditures ratio lines, Boomtown was unable to generate enough cash internally to even maintain plant and equipment in 1994, despite more than doubling its total assets.Circus Circus, on the other hand, had plenty of cash for maintenance throughout and needed outside cash to fund growth only for a two-year interval. In fact, Boomtown's cash ratios do indeed reveal that drastic changes would have been needed for this company to survive on its own. It didn't. Boomtown was acquired by Hollywood Park, Inc. , on June 30, 1997. Boomtown also disposed of its Las Vegas property, which had generated continuing operating losses. Despite its earlier promise, Boomtown ran out of cash. Traditional ratios would not have provided sufficient warning, but cash flow ratios would have.Auditors who employ cash flow ratios to assess corporate liquidity and viability can help their clients spot trouble in time to take corrective action. HOW TO TEST SOLVENCY WITH CASH FLOW RATIOS Creditors and lenders began using cash flow ratios because those ratios give more information about a company's ability to meet its payment commitments than do traditional balance sheet working capital ratios such as the current ratio or the quick ratio. When a loan officer evaluates the risk she is taking by lending to a particular company, her greatest concern is whether the company can pay the loan back, with interest, on time.Traditional working capital ratios indicate how much cash the company had available on a single date in the past. Cash flow ratios, on the other hand, test how much cash was generated over a period of time and compare that to near -term obligations, giving a dynamic picture of what resources the company can muster to meet its commitments. Operating cash flow (OCF) Cash flow from operations Current liabilities Company's ability to generate resources to meet current liabilities Operating cash flow (OCF) ratio. The numerator of the OCF ratio consists of net cash provided by operating activities.This is the net figure provided by the cash flow statement after taking into consideration adjustments for noncash items and changes in working capital. The denominator is all current liabilities, taken from the balance sheet. Operating cash flow ratios vary radically, depending on the industry. For example, the gaming industry generates substantial operating cash flows due to the nature of its operations, while more capital-intensive industries, such as communications, generate substantially less. The gaming giant, Circus Circus, exhibited an OCF of 1. 37 for fiscal year l997 while the media king, Gannett, produced an OC F of 1. 148 for a similar period. In order to judge whether a company's OCF is out of line, an auditor should look at comparable ratios for the company's industry peers. (For further details, see the case study5. ) Funds flow coverage (FFC) EBITDA (Interest + Tax-adjusted* debt repayment + Tax-adjusted* preferred-dividends) Coverage of unavoidable expenditures *To adjust for taxes, divide by the complement of the tax rate. Funds flow coverage (FFC) ratio.The numerator of the FFC ratio consists of earnings before interest and taxes plus depreciation and amortization (EBITDA), which differs from operating cash flow. Operating cash flow includes cash paid out for interest and taxes, which EBITDA does not. The FFC ratio highlights whether the company can generate enough cash to meet these commitments (interest and taxes). Accordingly, interest and taxes are excluded from the numerator. The denominator consists of interest plus tax-adjusted debt repayment plus tax-adjusted preferred divi dends. To adjust for taxes, divide by the complement of the tax rate.All of the figures in the denominator are unavoidable commitments. An auditor can use the FFC ratio as a tool to evaluate the risk that a company will default on its most immediate financial commitments: interest payments, short-term debt and preferred dividends (if any). If the FFC ratio is at least 1. 0, the company can meet its commitments—but just barely. To survive in the long run, any company must have enough cash flow to maintain plant and equipment. To be really healthy, it should be able to reinvest cash for growth. Accordingly, if a company's FFC is less than 1. , the company must raise additional funds to meet current operating commitments. To avoid bankruptcy, it must keep raising fresh capital. Cash interest coverage Cash flow from operations + Interest paid + Taxes paid Interest paid Company's ability to meet interest payments Cash interest coverage ratio. The numerator of cash interest coverag e consists of cash flow from operations, plus interest paid plus taxes paid. The denominator includes all interest paid—short term and long term. The resultant multiple indicates the company's ability to make the interest payments on its entire debt load.A highly leveraged company will have a low multiple, and a company with a strong balance sheet will have a high multiple. Any company with a cash interest multiple less than 1. 0 runs an immediate risk of potential default. The company must raise cash externally to make its current interest payments. The cash interest coverage ratio is analogous to the old-fashioned coverage ratio (also known as the interest coverage ratio). However, where the numerator of the coverage ratio begins with earnings from the income statement, the numerator of the cash interest coverage ratio begins with cash from the cash flow statement.Cash interest coverage gives a more realistic indication of the company's ability to make the required interest payments. Earnings figures include all manner of noncash charges—depreciation, pension contributions, some taxes and stock options. A company with a low income-based coverage ratio may actually be able to meet its payment obligations, but the mask of noncash charges makes it difficult to see that. A cash-based coverage ratio gives a direct look at the cash available to pay interest. Cash current debt coverage Operating cash flow—cash dividends Current debtCompanys ability to repay its current debt Cash current debt coverage ratio. The numerator consists of retained operating cash flow—operating cash flow less cash dividends. The denominator is current debt—that is, debt maturing within one year. This is, again, a direct correlate of an earnings current debt coverage ratio, but more revealing because it addresses managements dividend distribution policy and its subsequent effect on cash available to meet current debt commitments. As with the cash interest coverage ratio, the current debt ratio indicates the company's ability to carry debt comfortably.The higher the multiple, the higher the comfort level. But like most other ratios, as long as the company is not insolvent, the appropriate level varies by industry characteristics. HOW TO USE CASH RATIOS AS A MEASURE OF FINANCIAL HEALTH Beyond questions of immediate corporate solvency, auditors need to measure a client's ability to meet ongoing financial and operational commitments and its ability to finance growth. How readily can the company repay or refinance its long-term debt? Will it be able to maintain or increase its current dividend to stockholders? How readily will it be able to raise new capital?Banks, credit-rating agencies and investment analysts understandably are very concerned with these questions. Accordingly, they have developed several ratios to provide answers to them. Auditors, who are more concerned about full disclosure, can use these same ratios to pinpoint area s for closer scrutiny when planning an audit. Capital expenditure Cash flow from operations Capital expenditures Company's ability to cover debt after maintenance or investment on plant and equipment Capital expenditure ratio. The numerator is cash flow from operations. The denominator is capital expenditures.A financially strong company should be able to finance growth. This ratio measures the capital available for internal reinvestment and for payments on existing debt. When the capital expenditure ratio exceeds 1. 0, the company has enough funds available to meet its capital investment, with some to spare to meet debt requirements. The higher the value, the more spare cash the company has to service and repay debt. As with all ratios, appropriate values vary by industry. Cyclical industries, such as housing and autos, may show more variation in this figure than noncyclical industries, such as pharmaceuticals and beverages.Also, a low figure is more understandable in a growth indu stry, such as technology, than in a mature industry, such as textiles. Total debt Cash flow from operations Total debt Company's ability to cover future debt obligations Total debt (cash flow to total debt) ratio. The numerator is cash flow from operations. The denominator is total debt—both long term and short term. Total cash flow to debt is of direct concern to credit-rating agencies and loan decision officers. This ratio indicates the length of time it will take to repay the debt, assuming all cash flow from operations is devoted to debt repayment.The lower the ratio, the less financial flexibility the company has and the more likely that problems can arise in the future. Auditors should take diminished financial flexibility into account when identifying high-risk audit areas during planning. NET FREE CASH FLOW RATIOS Other ratios that spotlight a company's viability as a going concern rely on a computation of net free cash flow. Net free cash flow (NFCF) is not yet well defined, although bankers are working to standardize these computations in a way that would facilitate comparisons across companies and across industries.However, at present, there are still many variations of net free cash flow. We propose a total free cash (TFC) ratio developed by First Interstate Bank of Nevada, which uses it to make loan decisions and loan covenant agreements. This TFC computation offers the advantage of incorporating the effects of off-balance-sheet financing—by taking into account operating lease and rental payments. Total free cash (TFC)†  (Net income + Accrued and capitalized interest expense + Depreciation and amortization + Operating lease and rental expense – Declared dividends – Capital expenditures) (Accrued and capitalized interest expense Operating lease and rental expense + Current portion of long-term debt + Current portion of capitalized lease obligations) Company's ability to meet future cash commitments †  These rat ios require computation of the company's net free cash flows. As net free cash flow can vary by company as well as by industry, the formulas should be considered as recommended rather than absolute. TFC ratio . The numerator of this ratio is the sum of net income, accrued and capitalized interest expense, depreciation and amortization and operating lease and rental expense less declared dividends and capital expenditures.The denominator is the sum of accrued and capitalized interest expense, operating lease and rental expense, the current portion of long-term debt and the current portion of long-term lease obligations. Varying definitions of capital expenditures can confuse the issue. Since different definitions change the value of free cash flow ratios, it is best to be clear about which definition the auditor is using and why it makes sense for a particular purpose. For example, if the auditor is trying to determine whether the company can maintain its present level of operations, the capital spending figure used hould exclude new investments and be limited to the amount of spending required to maintain operating assets. Sometimes maintenance spending is estimated at 2% of total assets, or up to 5% of property, plant and equipment. Industries with very long-lived capital assets may use smaller percentages to estimate maintenance spending. However, if the auditor is more interested in long-term growth potential, then actual capital expenditures from the cash flow statement should be used. Cash flow adequacy (CFA)†  (EBITDA – taxes paid – interest paid – capital expenditures) (Average annual debt maturities scheduled ver next 5 years) Company's credit quality †  These ratios require computation of the company's net free cash flows. As net free cash flow can vary by company as well as by industry, the formulas should be considered as recommended rather than absolute. Cash flow adequacy (CFA) ratio. The numerator is earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) less taxes paid (cash taxes) less interest paid (cash interest) less capital expenditures (as qualified above). The denominator is the average of the annual debt maturities scheduled over the next five years.Cash flow adequacy helps smooth out some of the cyclical factors that pose problems with the capital expenditure ratio. It also makes allowances for the effects of a balloon payment. Companies with strong NFCF compared with upcoming debt obligations are better credit risks than companies that must use outside capital sources. Thus, a high CFA means high credit quality. KNOW YOUR CLIENT In order to fully understand where to set the levels at which the cash flow ratios discussed here should trigger deeper investigation, auditors need to understand their clients businesses and the industries in which they operate.As with any other ratio, an auditor should listen to the client's explanation of any unfavorable changes in cash r atios before becoming too alarmed. An auditor should know what cash concerns are critical to a company's business. We wouldn't suggest that a successful audit is just a matter of picking the right equations and plugging in the numbers. There are no absolutes. But properly applied, cash flow ratios can be revealing to auditors during the audit planning stages and can give the auditor a more accurate picture of the company. Auditors must ascertain whether the financial statements are fairly presented in accordance with GAAP.They must be satisfied with the accuracy of the transactions and balances summarized in the four financial statements and the related disclosures. Effective auditors can use cash flow ratios to improve their understanding of the cash concerns critical to the particular company and to plan the audit more effectively. References ^www. [email  protected] unr. edu (www. readability. com) ^www. [email  protected] edu (www. readability. com) ^Exhibit 1 (www. journalo faccountancy. com) ^exhibit 2 (www. journalofaccountancy. com) ^case study (www. journalofaccountancy. com)

Nike Incorporation

Nike is a world class company that manufactures and markets a wide large of sports equipments such as sports, balls, t-shirts, tracks, uniforms for various sporting activities such as football, basketball, athletics, cricket, tennis and golf. The company was in incorporated in the year 1968 in the state of Oregon, it main business being to design and manufacture the best foot wear and other accessory products. But, Nike has grown to be a world class company that sells well branded and expensive products that are well known for their high quality. Nike trademark of â€Å"just do it† is well known, and it relates to the sporting spirit. The company has more than 500 plants in more than 45 countries.[1] Nike did not experience much competition until in 1980s and 90s when Reebok and European counterparts Adidas and Puma entered the market. But Reebok was purchased by Adidas in 2006 thus Adidas is the one giving Nike competition. Nike has been the main player on the footwear market until then, the company controlled about 30% of the United States market, Reebok enjoyed about 20% followed by other companies like Adidas and Puma. Nikes abroad sales went up to $2 billion by 1995 and were leading by having 40% of total sales in footwear. [2] The marketing strategy of Nike has been the biggest success of the company. Nike has premium brands, and offers the market high quality and expensive products. The company creates a brand image which is achieved by the unique logo of a (tick) and a slogan of â€Å"just do it† which attracts lots of customers. The company also does promotional activities of its products by entering into sponsorship deals with world class football stars, celebrity athletes, national teams, and also college athletic. Nevertheless Nike has mixed it marketing strategies and has more elements more than promotion.   This other elements are; competitive price, wide range of products, numerous outlets and retailers (more than 20,000), sponsorship and promotion activities. Currently, Nike has a market share of around 37% in the world. The main objective of Nike is to become a leading sport equipment manufacturer in the world and maintain these standards in future. The major client base is the youth and the young adults who mainly buy the sports products from the company. The company has put a lot of attention on products for men, women, and children, and their children’s shoes are now doing very well on the market currently.   The company has created more market by venturing into various market segments and manufacturing more various products. To achieve its objective of being the leader in market business the company is exploiting new markets outside Europe. Nike has also managed to control its market by acquiring other small companies and turning them to manufacture their products. Like in 1998 it’s purchased Cole Hann which was making informal dress and shoes for $180 and cached a base of young people and their sales went up at 23% making a profit of $ 100 millions in 1998. Nike has continued to improve in its brand and marketing and its objective of being â€Å"the greatest sports and fitness company in the world† alongside world class companies like Coca-Cola. Nike gets contracts with individual clients, cooperate clients and even countries and states. The company supplies to them different products, they can be football uniform for a national team, tracksuits for national athletic teams or even tailor made shoes or uniform for specific football stars such as Ranaldhno of Brazil. [3]The market is divided in various segments which can be viewed according to the region There have been many challenges faced by Nike on the marketing side and Nike has done a lot of to recapture the market. These initiatives that Nike undertook was such as creating an ACG (all- conditions gear) unit and Techlab which was meant to market a brand of sports technology products. Such like digital audio player and waist compass these projects were meant to capture sales. In the beginning of 1999 Nike launched its products on the internet and they were directly available to the customers. Nike has continued to expand its market and with a strong marketing team lead by Mr. Perez who has vast experience, the company in 2004, posted profits of more than $1 billion. [4] The company has a high team of human resources managers who are responsible for building a workforce which is effective and efficient. This managers build teams develop the necessary talents that are seriously needed by the organization to perform their duties. The managers also inspire, mentor, set examples, innovate and revolutionize all the employees in order to achieve the best from them. The employees also attend refresher courses seminars and training to keep them in touch with new market trends and technological advancements. In general the public attitude towards the company is good, but the people of Beaverton where the company feel that it should be annexed fro where its headquarters are in Oregon State. But the company feels that the annexing will cost it $700,000 every year in terms of added taxes. The company objective is achieved through proper marketing and advancement in technology by creating high quality products and designing better management approaches to maintain the market. Another aspect the company has done is to create better working conditions and customer relationships as from 2002 Nike addressed the issues of employees exploitations and carried out random company inspections to check the working conditions of its employment. [5] Nike has training programmers to train its employees and advance them with the current market needs. Another thing that the company is involvement in is to improve its company image by getting involved in corporate social responsibilities. The company thus contributions to charities organizations and also organizes social activities for the society, and sponsors individuals and persons. This has greatly improved its image. Nike is also one of the most environmental friendly companies. And this has a very positive image in the eyes of the public which has become much environmental aware. Conclusion Nike is a big organization that commands a large market in the world. It is apparent that to maintains such a market by investing a lot in marketing and research so that it can satisfy its customers and keep up with new trends on the market. Better management skills and quality products are the main ingredient for success for any company. Many obstacles in marketing and management come up to challenge the company including stiff competition. But it is clear that with well and timely adjustments in marketing and advancement in technology and being to be innovative the company has managed to capture and maintain its markets. Therefore for any company to remain profitable and impressive its must embrace prudent management and better technology. References Collingwood, H. (1988): Nike Rushes in Where Reebok Used to Tread; Business Week, October 3, p. 42. Holmes, S. and Christine, T. (2002): How Nike Got Its Game Back; Business Week, November 4, pp. 129-31. Jenkins, H. W. (1998): The Rise and Stumble of Nike; Wall Street Journal, June 3,                [1] Jenkins, H. W. (1998): The Rise and Stumble of Nike;   Wall Street Journal, June 3, [2] Collingwood, H. (1988): Nike Rushes in Where Reebok Used to Tread; Business Week, October 3, p. 42. [3] Collingwood, H. (1988): Nike Rushes in Where Reebok Used to Tread; Business Week, October 3, p. 42. [4] Holmes, S. and Christine, T. (2002): How Nike Got Its Game Back; Business Week, November 4, pp. 129-31. [5] Collingwood, H. (1988): Nike Rushes in Where Reebok Used to Tread; Business Week, October 3, p. 42.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Philosophy of Education Essay

Philosophy of education is sometimes referred to as the immediate objectives of education. Immediate objectives on the other hand are purposes which a subject at a given time must aim to achieve through the courses of study or the curriculum. Its aims constitute a very important aspect of the total education. They are more specific and they can be accomplished in a shorter period of time, maybe a day or a week. These, too, are considered goals of specialization. Educational aims cannot be determined apart from the purpose of society which maintains the school. The purpose of any society is determined by the life value which the people prize. As a nation, we have been striving always for the values which constitute the democratic way of life (Demiashkevich, 2003). Theory and practice in modern education have been influenced greatly by the educational philosophy in successive interpretations of the fundamental purpose of education. Since the aims and objectives of education embody the democratic ideal to which we as a nation are committed, they cannot be achieved through a rigid system of indoctrination and control. The application of the principles of teaching and learning always has definite goals. If the teacher wants to obtain desired results, he should know what those goals or objectives are. The usefulness of the principles themselves can best be determined by their appropriateness to the aims and objectives sought. Our primary need, therefore, is to present and develop the philosophical and psychological aims of education (Peterson, 2000). The philosophical aims of education require all public and private schools in this country to pursue, in the development of every child, regardless of color, creed, or social status. All educational institutions shall aim to inculcate love of country, teach the duties of citizenship, and develop moral character, personal discipline, and scientific, technological, and vocational efficiency. The study of the Constitution shall be part of the curricula in all schools (Peterson, 2000). The State shall provide citizenship and vocational training to adult citizens and out-of-school youth, and create and maintain scholarship for poor and deserving students. Moreover, religion shall be taught to their children or wards, in public elementary and high schools as may be provided by law. The State shall provide scientific research and invention. The advancement of science and technology shall have priority in the national development. Furthermore, education shall aim to develop moral character, personal discipline and civic conscience, and develop the attitudes among our youth and strength moral and ethical standards. It must also impart the skills, instill the attitudes and spread the values that are essential to rapid and sustained economic growth. The curriculum of public and private schools will emphasize scientific and technical professions, managerial and vocational skills, and the dignity of labor and standards of excellence (Demiashkevich, 2003). It can be said that the above resolution called for the restructuring of our educational system, public or private, to enhance nationalism or love of country and to achieve social goals.

Friday, September 13, 2019

How do video games affect socialization skills in children Research Paper

How do video games affect socialization skills in children - Research Paper Example There are five major categories of video games – Sports, General entertainment, Fantasy violence, Human violence and Education. Medicine and psychological experts are divided adverse effects on video games on children especially with regard to their socialization skills. The major pros and cons of playing video games have been highlighted below. Positives Entertainment and Fun learning Promoted even by educational institutions Encourages problem solving skills Interactive Sense of achievement Improves perceptual, motor and cognitive skills Improves planning and handling of complex situations. Negatives Poor academics Addictive Highly aggressive Accepts violence as being normal Leads to health hazards like Obesity and other diseases Increases heart rate, sugar and blood pressure levels Empirical evidence suggests that, more often than not, the negatives outweigh the benefits. Social activists and health experts advise regular parental control over the amount of time the child s pends on playing video games and the nature of games being played. Children are strongly urged to keep away from games portraying too much violence. Review Of Literature A recent study conducted by Cheryl K. Olson, a researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital's Center for Mental Health and Media in Boston, indicated that fears on the adverse effect of video games on kids were unfounded. He highlighted that video game benefits can include nourishment of self esteem, pride and socialization skills. He concluded that kids can learn academics, social interaction and cooperation and even history from video games. He recommended that parental guidance and control were key to kids’ obtaining maximum benefits from video gaming. Dawar (2010) concedes that evidence exists that playing violent video games makes kids more aggressive and less sympathetic towards victims. But, he argues that video games feature characters helping each other and thereby makes the kids friendlier. He remar ks that international evidence from correlational, longitudinal and experimental studies indicate that kids playing prosocial games were definitely better skilled at socialization. The National Network for Child Care (NNCC) reports that children spending too much time on video games result in compromised social skills. Social skills like learning how to share with others, carry on a conversation etc. are imperative to juvenile development. It further states that social skills need to be modeled on parents not machines like video gaming consoles. Affonso (1999) found that teenagers are much heavier Internet users than their parents. Adults deployed the Interne to seek out job and employment-related information. The teenagers were more likely to play games, listen to music and meet new people. He voiced concern that Internet mirrored television and will intensify the negative effects on our social skills and that we are encouraging our children to become social nitwits! However, he wa s not all skeptical about the effect of video games on children. He also indicated that most children were quite capable of handling themselves and technology had proven to be a positive enhancement to growth. According to him, children used the technology to play, learn, communicate and form relationships as children always have. Development is enhanced in an interactive world." Johnson (2007) argued that gaming sharpened thinking, social skills and perception. It was fun and promoted